Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 2, 2011

Meridian 518 Digital Audio Processor Letters Letters in response to this review appeared in March 1996 (Vol.19 No.3):

Editor: Thank you for a fun half-decade of sheer delight! It has been most enjoyable indeed. But I have purchased the Meridian 518 processor JA reviewed in January, some sound cards and music software for the ole PC, and am generally flying the flag of the Computer Camp. I'm not kidding myself, it's not hi-fi...yet, but it's one fun sandbox to play in! Anyway, it's not goodbye. I'm sure that I'll be seeing you guys again in five years when a fair portion of your advertisers will probably be selling computer software. It'll then be about time for a nice hardware upgrade!
Please refund the unused portion of my subscription, and I'll see you in the year 2000.—Steve Osborn, Irvington, NY
Meridian quality
Editor: I completely enjoyed JA's review of the Meridian 518 Digital Audio Processor ("Magic Bullets," Jan. '96, p.249). As I read his experiences, I drew this mental picture of a serious review session quickly sliding downhill into serious fun.
When I purchased my Meridian system—DSP6000, L/R; DSP5000C; DSP5000, Rear L/Rear R; DSP5000, Side L/Side R; M2500 Sub; 562V; 565; 500—Meridian's Ross Kiem suggested I also get the 618 to use between the 562V and 565. Skeptically, I agreed. As it turned out, the 618 was a later arrival, so I had the opportunity to enjoy the system prior to the 618.
As was JA, I was stunned at the "magic" it brought to an already great music/theater set up. It's been in my system for six months. When the 518 was introduced, I wanted to trade-in the 618 for the 518 in order to take advantage of the communication functions it offers. Meridian suggested I buy a 518 to replace the 618 and then use the 618 in front of the DSP6000 to further improve the sound. Not to be cheap (just how much magic can one guy take?), but I didn't bite on that suggestion. So, John, wanna trade your 518 for my 618?
I am continually impressed with what Bob Stuart and his team are able to produce with a Motorola DSP chip. God forbid they ever discover the Digital Equipment Corporation 64-bit, 350MHz Alpha chip!—Dennis Erskine, Atlanta, GA,